Mike Osorio

Mike graduated from Amherst College in 2015 with a B.A. in Philosophy. His current research is focused on the phenomenon of retroactive jealousy and its potential links to more understood forms of psychopathology. He is currently receiving clinical training at the Center for Returning Veterans at the Boston VA, where he treats post-9/11 veterans struggling with issues of readjustment and trauma. He can be reached at mosorio@g.harvard.edu

Shaan McGhie

Shaan McGhie (she/her) is a third year PhD student in Clinical Psychology. She completed her B.A. in Psychology at San Diego State University. Her research has focused on the dynamic relationships between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms as investigated through network analysis. She is also investigating the hypothesis that individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder lack insight into their internal states, through experimental work. Finally, she is interested in examining the viability of personalizing treatment using idiographic symptom networks derived from ecological momentary assessment data. She is a clinician herself and seeks to conduct research informed by this clinical practice. Outside of her research, she can be found hiking, reading fantasy, or baking. If you are interested in her work or wish to collaborate, please reach out; she aims to foster an inclusive and supportive environment with her collaborators and mentees. She can be reached at smcghie@g.harvard.edu.

Gabriella Hamlett

Gabriella Hamlett is a PhD student in the Clinical Science program at Harvard University. She is a member of the McNally Laboratory and is advised by Dr. Richard McNally. Gabriella is broadly interested in emotion regulatory processes underlying the onset and maintenance of PTSD and anxiety disorders, particularly in perinatal populations and among survivors of sexual assault. Before joining the McNally Lab, Gabriella was a research coordinator at the University of Pennsylvania under the mentorship of Dr. Edna Foa studying the effect of estrogen on fear extinction processes among women with PTSD. She completed her MA at Teachers College, Columbia University in 2020 and her BS at the University of California, Davis in 2017. She is always happy to speak with potential collaborators or mentees and can be reached at ghamlett@g.harvard.edu.

Shachar Ruppin

Shachar Ruppin (she/her) is a PhD student in the Clinical Science program at Harvard University, advised by Dr. Rich McNally. Prior to Harvard, Shachar completed both her MA in clinical-research psychology (2022) and BA in psychology, sociology, and anthropology (2020) at Tel Aviv University. Her MA thesis, supervised by Dr. Reuven Dar, explored how an impaired introspective ability influences decision-making in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) —a research avenue she is keen to further develop. Shachar’s broader research interests encompass the development and maintenance of cognitive biases in OCD, a focus she is eager to pursue during her PhD training. She plans to investigate the intricate feedback relationships among cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects that contribute to the exacerbation and persistence of maladaptive cognitions in OCD. Relatedly, she is interested in understanding how maladaptive behavioral symptoms reshape the ways patients think, feel, and make decisions, over the long term. To study these questions, she intends to employ laboratory paradigms, as well as network analyses. She is always happy to connect with potential collaborators and mentees and can be contacted at sruppin@g.harvard.edu.